TCT – Kids Broadcast Schedule

Friday, February 07, 2025   Weekly

12:00amMy Little MargieGale Storm
12:30amDate with the Angels
1:00amThe Loretta Young ShowLoretta Young
1:30amMy Little MargieGale Storm
2:00amFour Star PlayhouseDavid Niven
5:00amAnswers in GenesisKen Ham
6:00amTCT TodayGarth Coonce
6:30am'Tween You and MePayton Alexander
7:00amSarah's StoriesSarah Henderson
7:30amWorship for KidsGrandma Mac
8:00amCapt'n Chuckleberry
8:30amSuper Simple Science StuffRichie Derwald
9:00amThe Adventures of Donkey OllieCraig Quist
9:30amThe BURNNIE ShowSteve Treague
10:00amCowboy Dan's FrontierDan Harrell
10:30amDr. Wonder's WorkshopMateo Bonn
11:00amAnother Sommer-Time Adventure
11:30amAdventures in OdysseyAndre Stojka
12:00pmQuigley's Village
12:30pmThe Roy Rogers ShowRoy Rogers
1:00pmKit Carson
1:30pmAnnie OakleyGail Davis
2:00pmThe Swamp Critters of Lost LagoonBobby Goldsboro
2:30pm'Tween You and MePayton Alexander
3:00pmK.I.C.K.S. ClubRick Robinson
3:30pmCreations CreaturesSherri Bohlander
4:00pmCapt'n Chuckleberry
4:30pmGospel BillWillie George
5:00pmSuper Simple Science StuffRichie Derwald
5:30pmAnother Sommer-Time Adventure
6:00pmCowboy Dan's FrontierDan Harrell
6:30pm'Tween You and MePayton Alexander
7:00pmDr. Wonder's WorkshopMateo Bonn
7:30pmThe Adventures of Ozzie and HarrietOzzie Nelson
8:00pmThe Beverly HillbilliesBuddy Ebsen
8:30pmThe Lucy ShowLucille Ball
11:30pmThe Loretta Young ShowLoretta Young
12:00amMy Little MargieGale Storm

*Program times subject to change without notice